Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Check Your Six! Finnish Aircraft

Check Your Six! was my first foray into painting miniatures. If you haven't checked it out it is available from SkirmishCampaigns. It is a fast playing WW2 simulation of air combat in 3d. They also have a second version which is jet combat. Throughout my time painting some of the CY6 aircraft I've painted some Japanese and Finland planes. Although I haven't painted any aircraft in quite some time, I noticed these pictures on my computer and wanted to upload a post about them

The Continuation War for the Finns was a matter of defending their homeland against Soviet Invaders. Some good resources I found on the air war between the Fins and Russians are Osprey's "Lentolaivue 24," and "Finnish Aces of WW2." The book on Llv 24 (as the squadron will be known from this point forward) has a wealth of information about the pilots and missions they flew. The Finnish Pilots were very effective with their aircraft in both the winter war and the continuation war.

And now on to the miniatures. These are 1/300 scale Buffalos from Raiden. Its fun to paint their squat shape in the black and green of the Finnish air force. Here are some photos of them, my personal favorites are the winter camouflaged ones.

I'd like to find other books focusing on the other Finnish air units from the flying regiment 1 (recon) and flying regiment 4 (bomber). I've found a book in Finnish on ler4. If I can find some other books, they will be of great use as I continue to paint up my Finns for Check Your Six! If anyone knows of such books, drop a comment below. Eventually I'll get back to painting aircraft when I tire of my current ancients kick. I still have quite a lead mountain of German, Italian, and Japanese aircraft. Although most of what I wanted to complete for the Finns is done.

Until next time,

Monday, August 17, 2015

Update "Assault on Plastic Mountain."

Hi All,

It's been about four months since my last post (Wow!). I should probably try and keep this blog updated a bit more regularly. I've been sort of busy with school and work. Although I have been rapidly assembling more Wargames Factory miniatures. I had a good amount of time while recovering from getting my wisdom teeth out to assemble most of my Greek Hoplites, and some Persians.

Here's whats on the workbench at the moment.

-Assemble Samurai
-Assemble Samurai Calvary
-Paint Samurai (In progress)

-Assemble Persians (Continue assembling the hoard)
-Paint Persians (In progress)

-Assemble Greek Hoplites (60ish built)
-Paint Greek Hoplites (In Progress)

-Base above miniatures (Not started)

As you can see I'm stretching out into the ancients era. I have both the Hail Ceasar rules on order and the Field of Glory rules on order. From what I've been able to find out, the FoG uses a specific basing system, but HC does not. Which will give me the flexibility to use both systems with a single army. I'll be lucky to get any of it on the table before the year is out, although its a goal (perhaps a lofty one).

I'll post again probably once I have some units based and finished.

Here's the progress so far on the Greeks.

Until then,
Have a good battle!
